Bio-integrated Electronics Lab.


Rugged and breathable forms of stretchable electronics with adherent composite substrates for transcutaneous monitoring

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일 24-09-03 09:27


Kyung-In Jang, Sang Youn Han, Sheng Xu, Kyle E. Mathewson, Yihui Zhang, Jae-Woong Jeong, Gwang-Tae Kim, R. Chad Webb, Jung Woo Lee, Thomas J. Dawidczyk, Rak Hwan Kim, Young Min Song, Woon-Hong Yeo, Stanley Kim, Huanyu Cheng, Sang II Rhee, Jeahoon Chung, B
Nature communications

Research in stretchable electronics involves fundamental scientific topics relevant to applications with importance in human healthcare. Despite significant progress in active components, routes to mechanically robust construction are lacking. Here, we introduce materials and composite designs for thin, breathable, soft electronics that can adhere strongly to the skin, with the ability to be applied and removed hundreds of times without damaging the devices or the skin, even in regions with substantial topography and coverage of hair. The approach combines thin, ultralow modulus, cellular silicone materials with elastic, strain-limiting fabrics, to yield a compliant but rugged platform for stretchable electronics. Theoretical and experimental studies highlight the mechanics of adhesion and elastic deformation. Demonstrations include cutaneous optical, electrical and radio frequency sensors for measuring hydration state, electrophysiological activity, pulse and cerebral oximetry. Multipoint monitoring of a subject in an advanced driving simulator provides a practical example.